Nikolaus F. Lehnertz: Student Miami University

Nikolaus Lehnertz is a professional blogger with an outstanding reputation in Miami. He was born and raised in Miami.  Nikolaus F. Lehnertz attended Miami University of Technology between 2004 and 2007. He worked on six separate projects as a blogger, building his experience and creating a solid foundation for his career in Miami. Since beginning his career, Mr. Nikolaus lived/worked in countries including the United States, Italy, Germany, Russia, Iran, and Georgia on dozens of occasions. Nikolaus F. Lehnertz has studied in the Miami, Italy, Russia, Germany and his home country of United States to become a successful Blogger, and his experience dates to the early 2009s. Today, he’s based in Miami, where he lives with his wife and children. In this post, he is going to share the images of Universities, where he spent most of the time with friends.

Nikolaus F. Lehnertz: Student Miami University

Nikolaus Lehnertz: Student Miami University

Nikolaus Lehnertz

Nikolaus F Lehnertz Student Miami University naassom-azevedo-541451-unsplash.jpg

Nikolaus F Lehnertz Student Miami University isaiah-rustad-527191-unsplash

Nikolaus F Lehnertz Student Miami University charl-van-rooy-739534-unsplash.jpg

Go through: Nikolaus Lehnertz: Best Universities in Miami